Source code for illumio.pce

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides the PolicyComputeEngine client for communicating with the PCE.

    >>> import illumio
    >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=8443, org_id=12)
    >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret')
    >>> workloads = pce.workloads.get(
    ...     params={
    ...         'managed': True,
    ...         'enforcement_mode': 'visibility_only'
    ...     }
    ... )
    >>> workloads
        Workload(href='/orgs/12/workloads/c754a713-2bde-4427-af1f-bff145be509b', ...),

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
import json
import time
from typing import Any, List, Union

from requests import Session, Response
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from .secpolicy import PolicyChangeset, PolicyVersion
from .exceptions import IllumioApiException
from .policyobjects import IPList, Service
from .explorer import TrafficQuery, TrafficFlow
from .util import (

[docs]class PolicyComputeEngine: """The REST client core for the Illumio Policy Compute Engine. Contains request logic for API calls and handles the HTTP(S) connection to the PCE. Usage: >>> import illumio >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=8443, org_id=12) >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret') >>> workloads = pce.workloads.get( ... params={ ... 'managed': True, ... 'enforcement_mode': 'visibility_only' ... } ... ) >>> workloads [ Workload(href='/orgs/12/workloads/c754a713-2bde-4427-af1f-bff145be509b', ...), ... ] Args: url (str): PCE URL. May include http:// or https:// as the scheme. port (str, optional): PCE http(s) port. Defaults to '443'. version (str, optional): The PCE API version to use. Defaults to 'v2'. org_id (str, optional): The PCE organization ID. Defaults to '1'. retry_count (int, optional): Number of times to retry on failure. Defaults to 5. request_timeout (int, optional): HTTP request timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30. Attributes: base_url: DEPRECATED in v1.0.3. The base URL for API calls to the PCE. Has the form ``http[s]://<DOMAIN_NAME>:<PORT>/api/<API_VERSION>`` include_org: flag denoting whether to prepend the orgs subpath to request endpoints by default. Defaults to True. org_id: the PCE organization ID. """ def __init__(self, url: str, port: str = '443', version: str = 'v2', org_id: str = '1', retry_count: int = 5, request_timeout: int = 30) -> None: self._apis = {} self._encoder = IllumioEncoder() self._session = Session() self._session.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/json'}) self._scheme, self._hostname = parse_url(url) self._port = port self._version = version self._timeout = request_timeout # leaving this in for backwards compatibility self.base_url = "{}://{}:{}/api/{}".format( self._scheme, self._hostname, port, version ) self.include_org = True self.org_id = org_id self._validate() self._setup_retry(retry_count) def _validate(self) -> None: """Validates configuration values, raising an error on failure""" validate_int(self._port, minimum=1, maximum=PORT_MAX) validate_int(self.org_id, minimum=1) def _setup_retry(self, retries: int) -> None: """Configures `requests.Session` retry defaults""" retry_strategy = Retry( total=retries, # {backoff} * (2 ** ({retry count} - 1)) # 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 (seconds) backoff_factor=2, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504] ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) self._session.mount("https://", adapter) self._session.mount("http://", adapter)
[docs] def set_credentials(self, username: str, password: str) -> None: """Sets username and password values to authenticate with the PCE. The provided credentials can be either user credentials or an API key/secret pair. Args: username (str): username or API key. password (str): password or API secret. """ self._session.auth = (username, password)
[docs] def set_proxies(self, http_proxy: str = None, https_proxy: str = None) -> None: """Sets HTTP proxies to use when connecting to the PCE. Args: http_proxy (str, optional): HTTP proxy URI. Defaults to None. https_proxy (str, optional): HTTPS proxy URI. Defaults to None. """ self._session.proxies.update({'http': http_proxy, 'https': https_proxy})
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: """Sets the HTTP request timeout for PCE connections. Args: timeout (int): the new request timeout in seconds. """ self._timeout = timeout
[docs] def set_tls_settings(self, verify: Union[bool, str] = True, cert: Union[str, tuple] = None): """Sets TLS settings for PCE connections. Args: verify (Union[bool, str], optional): set TLS verification. A value of True or False will enable/disable verification respectively. A string value with a path to a CA bundle can also be provided. Defaults to True. cert (Union[str, tuple], optional): set client-side certificate paths. The value can be a string with a path to a PEM containing both the certificate and private key, or a tuple of strings with paths to both files. Defaults to None. """ self._session.verify = verify self._session.cert = cert
def _request(self, method: str, endpoint: str, include_org: bool = None, **kwargs) -> Response: """Makes an API call to the PCE. Args: method (str): the HTTP request method. Supports the same verbs as `requests.request`. endpoint (str): the API endpoint to call. include_org (bool, optional): whether or not to include /orgs/{org_id} in the API call. Defaults to the value of the `include_org` class attribute. Raises: IllumioApiException: if the response is unsuccessful (status code >399). Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ try: include_org = self.include_org if include_org is None else include_org # avoid reference before assignment errors in case of cxn failure response = None url = self._build_url(endpoint, include_org) self._encode_body(kwargs) kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs.get('timeout', self._timeout) response = self._session.request(method, url, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response except Exception as e: message = str(e) # Response objects are falsy if the request failed so do a null check if response is not None: if response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') == 'application/json': message = self._get_error_message_from_response(response) raise IllumioApiException(message) from e def _build_url(self, endpoint: str, include_org: bool): endpoint = endpoint.lstrip('/').replace('//', '/') if include_org and not endpoint.startswith('orgs/'): endpoint = 'orgs/{}/{}'.format(self.org_id, endpoint) return '{}://{}:{}/api/{}/{}'.format( self._scheme, self._hostname, self._port, self._version, endpoint ) def _encode_body(self, kwargs): """Encodes request body data to JSON.""" body = kwargs.pop('data', None) if 'json' in kwargs: # json overrides data if both are provided body = kwargs.pop('json') if body is not None: kwargs['json'] = json.loads(self._encoder.encode(body)) def _get_error_message_from_response(self, response: Response) -> str: message = "API call returned error code {}. Errors:".format(response.status_code) for error in response.json(): if error and 'token' in error and 'message' in error: message += '\n{}: {}'.format(error['token'], error['message']) elif error and 'error' in error: message += '\n{}'.format(error['error']) return message
[docs] def get(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Response: """Makes a GET call to a given PCE endpoint. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the `requests.Request` object. Args: endpoint (str): the PCE endpoint to call. Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ return self._request('GET', endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Response: """Makes a POST call to a given PCE endpoint. Appends 'Content-Type: application/json' to the request headers by default. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the `requests.Request` object. Args: endpoint (str): the PCE endpoint to call. Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) kwargs['headers'] = {**headers, **{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}} return self._request('POST', endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Response: """Makes a PUT call to a given PCE endpoint. Appends 'Content-Type: application/json' to the request headers by default. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the `requests.Request` object. Args: endpoint (str): the PCE endpoint to call. Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) kwargs['headers'] = {**headers, **{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}} return self._request('PUT', endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Response: """Makes a DELETE call to a given PCE endpoint. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the `requests.Request` object. Args: endpoint (str): the PCE endpoint to call. Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ return self._request('DELETE', endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_collection(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Response: """Uses the PCE's asynchronous job logic to retrieve a collection of objects. **NOTE:** for large collections (surpassing 10,000 objects), this function will be extremely slow - it is recommended that callers use query filters or the max_results parameter to limit the number of results in the collection. Args: endpoint (str): the PCE endpoint to call. Raises: IllumioApiException: if an error message (>399) status code is returned. Returns: requests.Response: the `Response` object returned from a successful request. """ try: headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) kwargs['headers'] = {**headers, **{'Prefer': 'respond-async'}} response = self.get(endpoint, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() location = response.headers['Location'] retry_after = int(response.headers['Retry-After']) collection_href = self._async_poll(location, retry_after) response = self.get(collection_href) response.raise_for_status() return response except Exception as e: raise IllumioApiException from e
def _async_poll(self, job_location: str, retry_time: Union[int, float] = 1.) -> str: """Polls the PCE for an async job's status until it completes or times out. The poll-wait loop uses the Retry-After time from the job submission request or a default of 1 second, with a 1.5x backoff. Args: job_location (str): URL of the job to poll. retry_time (Union[int, float], optional): base Retry-After time. Defaults to 1 second. Raises: Exception: if the job returns a 'failed' status. Returns: str: the HREF path of the completed collection document. """ while True: time.sleep(retry_time) retry_time *= 1.5 # slight backoff to avoid spamming the PCE for long-running jobs response = self.get(job_location) response.raise_for_status() poll_result = response.json() poll_status = poll_result['status'] if poll_status == 'failed': raise Exception('Async collection job failed: ' + poll_result['result']['message']) elif poll_status == 'completed': # traffic flow async jobs collection_href = poll_result['result'] break elif poll_status == 'done': # policy object collection jobs collection_href = poll_result['result']['href'] break return collection_href
[docs] def must_connect(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Checks the connection to the PCE. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the requests call. Raises: IllumioApiException: if the connection fails. """ self._check_pce_connection(**kwargs)
[docs] def check_connection(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Checks the connection to the PCE. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the requests call. Returns: bool: True if the call is successful, otherwise False. """ try: self._check_pce_connection(**kwargs) return True except IllumioApiException: return False
def _check_pce_connection(self, **kwargs): self.get('/health', **{**kwargs, **{'include_org': False}}) # make an /orgs/{org_id} call to validate the org ID as well # /settings/workloads is a relatively quick call that will work on SaaS PCEs self.get('/settings/workloads', **{**kwargs, **{'include_org': True}})
[docs] class _PCEObjectAPI: """Generic API for registered PCE objects. Each registered API exposes CRUD operation functions through this common interface. """ def __init__(self, pce: 'PolicyComputeEngine', api_data: object) -> None: = self.endpoint = api_data.endpoint self.object_cls = api_data.object_class self.is_sec_policy = api_data.is_sec_policy self.is_global = api_data.is_global self.pce = pce def _build_endpoint(self, policy_version: str, parent: Any) -> str: """Builds the PCE request endpoint.""" endpoint = self.endpoint if parent: # e.g. /sec_policy/active/rulesets/1/sec_rules parent_draft_href = convert_active_href_to_draft(href_from(parent)) endpoint = '{}/{}'.format(parent_draft_href, endpoint) else: # mutually exclusive as the parent HREF will have the sec_policy and orgs prefix already if self.is_sec_policy: if policy_version not in [ACTIVE, DRAFT]: raise IllumioApiException("Invalid policy_version passed to get: {}".format(policy_version)) endpoint = '/sec_policy/{}/{}'.format(policy_version, endpoint) if not self.is_global: endpoint = '/orgs/{}/{}'.format(self.pce.org_id, endpoint) return endpoint.replace('//', '/')
[docs] def get_by_reference(self, reference: Union[str, Reference, dict], **kwargs) -> Reference: """Retrieves an object from the PCE using its HREF. Usage: >>> ip_list = pce.ip_lists.get_by_reference('/orgs/1/sec_policy/active/ip_lists/1') >>> ip_list IPList( name='Any ( and ::/0)', ... ) Args: href (str): the HREF of the object to fetch. Returns: Reference: the object json, decoded to its python equivalent. """ kwargs['include_org'] = False response = self.pce.get(href_from(reference), **kwargs) return self.object_cls.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def get_by_name(self, name: str, policy_version: str = DRAFT, **kwargs) -> Reference: """Retrieves the object from the PCE with the given name. Args: name (str): the exact name of the object to retrieve. Returns: Reference: the decoded object, or None if an object with the given name wasn't found. """ kwargs['params'] = {'name': name} endpoint = self._build_endpoint(policy_version, None) response = self.pce.get(endpoint, **kwargs) for o in response.json(): if 'name' in o and o['name'] == name: return self.object_cls.from_json(o)
[docs] def get(self, policy_version: str = DRAFT, parent: Union[str, Reference, dict] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Reference]: """Retrieves objects from the PCE based on the given parameters. Keyword arguments to this function are passed to the `requests.get` call. See for details on filter parameters for collection queries. Usage: >>> virtual_services = pce.virtual_services.get( ... policy_version='active', ... params={ ... 'name': 'VS-' ... } ... ) >>> virtual_services [ VirtualService( href='/orgs/1/sec_policy/active/virtual_services/9177c75f-7b21-4bf0-8c16-2c47c1ca3252', name='VS-LAB-SERVICES' ... ), ... ] Args: policy_version (str, optional): if fetching security policy objects, specifies whether to fetch 'draft' or 'active' objects. Defaults to 'draft'. parent (Union[str, Reference, dict], optional): Reference to the object's parent. Required for some object types, such as Security Rules which must be created as children of existing RuleSets. Returns: List[Reference]: the returned list of decoded objects. """ endpoint = self._build_endpoint(policy_version, parent) response = self.pce.get(endpoint, **{**kwargs, **{'include_org': False}}) return [self.object_cls.from_json(o) for o in response.json()]
[docs] def get_all(self, policy_version: str = DRAFT, parent: Union[str, Reference, dict] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Reference]: """Retrieves all objects of a given type from the PCE. This function makes two requests, using the `X-Total-Count` header in the response to set the `max_results` parameter on the follow-up request. Args: policy_version (str, optional): if fetching security policy objects, specifies whether to fetch 'draft' or 'active' objects. Defaults to 'draft'. parent (Union[str, Reference, dict], optional): Reference to the object's parent. Required for some object types, such as Security Rules which must be created as children of existing RuleSets. Returns: List[Reference]: the returned list of decoded objects. """ kwargs['include_org'] = False params = kwargs.get('params', {}) endpoint = self._build_endpoint(policy_version, parent) if 'max_results' not in params: kwargs['params'] = {**params, **{'max_results': 0}} response = self.pce.get(endpoint, **kwargs) if len(response.json()) > 0: # for endpoints that don't support max_results return [self.object_cls.from_json(o) for o in response.json()] filtered_object_count = response.headers['X-Total-Count'] kwargs['params'] = {**params, **{'max_results': int(filtered_object_count)}} response = self.pce.get(endpoint, **kwargs) return [self.object_cls.from_json(o) for o in response.json()]
[docs] def get_async(self, policy_version: str = DRAFT, parent: Union[str, Reference, dict] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Reference]: """Retrieves objects asynchronously from the PCE based on the given parameters. Args: policy_version (str, optional): if fetching security policy objects, specifies whether to fetch 'draft' or 'active' objects. Defaults to 'draft'. parent (Union[str, Reference, dict], optional): Reference to the object's parent. Required for some object types, such as Security Rules which must be created as children of existing Rule Sets. Returns: List[Reference]: the returned list of decoded objects. """ kwargs['include_org'] = False endpoint = self._build_endpoint(policy_version, parent) response = self.pce.get_collection(endpoint, **kwargs) return [self.object_cls.from_json(o) for o in response.json()]
[docs] def create(self, body: Any, parent: Union[str, Reference, dict] = None, **kwargs) -> Reference: """Creates an object in the PCE. See for details on POST body parameters when creating objects. Usage: >>> from illumio.policyobjects import Label >>> label = Label(key='role', value='R-DB') >>> label = pce.labels.create(label) >>> label Label( 'href': '/orgs/1/labels/14', 'key': 'role', 'value': 'R-DB ) Args: body (Any): the parameters for the newly created object. parent (Union[str, Reference, dict], optional): Reference to the object's parent. Required for some object types, such as Security Rules which must be created as children of existing RuleSets. Returns: Reference: the created object. """ kwargs = {**kwargs, **{'json': body, 'include_org': False}} endpoint = self._build_endpoint(DRAFT, parent) response =, **kwargs) return self._parse_response_body(response.json())
def _parse_response_body(self, json_response): # XXX: workaround for Service Bindings. Multiple bindings # can be created in the same POST, so we need to accommodate # this case by checking the response body type if type(json_response) is list: results = { [], 'errors': []} for o in json_response: if 'href' in o: results[].append(self.object_cls.from_json(o)) else: results['errors'].append(o) return results return self.object_cls.from_json(json_response)
[docs] def update(self, reference: Union[str, Reference, dict], body: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """Updates an object in the PCE. Successful PUT requests return a 204 No Content response. Usage: >>> pairing_profiles = pce.pairing_profile.get_by_name('PP-Database') >>> existing_profile = pairing_profiles[0] >>> update = PairingProfile( ... name='PP-DATABASE-VENS', ... enabled=False # disable this profile ... ) >>> pce.pairing_profile.update(existing_profile['href'], update) Args: reference (Union[str, Reference, dict]): the HREF of the pairing profile to update. body (Any): the update data. """ kwargs['json'] = body kwargs['include_org'] = False self.pce.put(href_from(reference), **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, reference: Union[str, Reference, dict], **kwargs) -> None: """Deletes an object in the PCE. Successful DELETE requests return a 204 No Content response. Args: reference (Union[str, Reference, dict]): the HREF of the object to delete. """ self.pce.delete(href_from(reference), **{**kwargs, **{'include_org': False}})
def _bulk_change(self, objects: List[Reference], method: str, success_status: str, **kwargs) -> List[dict]: results = [] kwargs['include_org'] = False while objects: kwargs['json'] = objects[:BULK_CHANGE_LIMIT] objects = objects[BULK_CHANGE_LIMIT:] endpoint = self._build_endpoint(DRAFT, None) response = self.pce.put('{}/{}'.format(endpoint, method), **kwargs) for result in response.json(): errors = result.get('errors', []) if success_status and result['status'] != success_status: errors.append({'token': result['token'], 'message': result['message']}) results.append({'href': result['href'], 'errors': errors}) return results
[docs] def bulk_create(self, objects_to_create: List[Reference], **kwargs) -> List[dict]: """Creates a set of objects in the PCE. **NOTE:** Bulk creation can currently only be applied for Security Principals, Virtual Services and Workloads. Args: objects_to_create (List[Reference]): list of objects to update. Returns: List[dict]: a list containing HREFs of created objects as well as any errors returned from the PCE. Has the following form: >>> [ ... { ... 'href': {object_href}, ... 'errors': [ ... { ... 'token': {error_type}, ... 'message': {error_message} ... } ... ] ... } ... ] """ return self._bulk_change(objects_to_create, method='bulk_create', success_status='created', **kwargs)
[docs] def bulk_update(self, objects_to_update: List[Reference], **kwargs) -> List[dict]: """Updates a set of objects in the PCE. **NOTE:** Bulk updates can currently only be applied for Virtual Services and Workloads. Args: objects_to_update (List[Reference]): list of objects to update. Returns: List[dict]: a list containing HREFs of updated objects as well as any errors returned from the PCE. Has the following form: >>> [ ... { ... 'href': {object_href}, ... 'errors': [ ... { ... 'token': {error_type}, ... 'message': {error_message} ... } ... ] ... } ... ] """ return self._bulk_change(objects_to_update, method='bulk_update', success_status='updated', **kwargs)
[docs] def bulk_delete(self, refs: List[Union[str, Reference, dict]], **kwargs) -> List[dict]: """Deletes a set of objects in the PCE. **NOTE:** Bulk updates can currently only be applied for Workloads. Args: hrefs (List[Union[str, Reference, dict]]): list of references to objects to delete. Returns: List[dict]: a list containing any errors that occurred during the bulk operation. Has the following form: >>> [ ... { ... 'href': {object_href}, ... 'errors': [ ... { ... 'token': {error_type}, ... 'message': {error_message} ... } ... ] ... } ... ] """ objects_to_delete = [Reference(href=href_from(reference)) for reference in refs] return self._bulk_change(objects_to_delete, method='bulk_delete', success_status=None, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> _PCEObjectAPI: """Instantiates a generic API for registered PCE objects. Inspired by the Zabbix API: """ if name in self._apis: return self._apis[name] if name not in PCE_APIS: raise AttributeError("No such PCE API object: {}".format(name)) api = self._PCEObjectAPI(pce=self, api_data=PCE_APIS[name]) self._apis[name] = api return api
[docs] def get_default_ip_list(self, **kwargs) -> IPList: """Retrieves the "Any ( and ::/0)" default global IP list. Returns: IPList: decoded object representing the default global IP list. """ params = kwargs.get('params', {}) # retrieve by name as each org will use a different ID kwargs['params'] = {**params, **{'name': ANY_IP_LIST_NAME}} kwargs['include_org'] = True response = self.get('/sec_policy/active/ip_lists', **kwargs) return IPList.from_json(response.json()[0])
[docs] def get_default_service(self, **kwargs) -> Service: """Retrieves the "All Services" default global Service. Returns: Service: decoded object representing the default global Service. """ params = kwargs.get('params', {}) # retrieve by name as each org will use a different ID kwargs['params'] = {**params, **{'name': ALL_SERVICES_NAME}} kwargs['include_org'] = True response = self.get('/sec_policy/active/services', **kwargs) return Service.from_json(response.json()[0])
[docs] def generate_pairing_key(self, pairing_profile_href: str, **kwargs) -> str: """Generates a pairing key using a pairing profile. Args: pairing_profile_href (str): the HREF of the pairing profile to use. Returns: str: the pairing key value. """ response ='{}/pairing_key'.format(pairing_profile_href), **{**kwargs, **{'json': {}}}) return response.json().get('activation_code')
[docs] @deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.0') def get_traffic_flows(self, traffic_query: TrafficQuery, **kwargs) -> List[TrafficFlow]: """DEPRECATED (v1.0.0). Use `get_traffic_flows_async` instead. Retrieves Explorer traffic flows using the provided query. **NOTE:** this function is deprecated in the Illumio REST API, and is only provided for compatibility. The Illumio Explorer REST API documentation recommends using the async traffic flow query instead, provided here as `PolicyComputeEngine.get_traffic_flows_async`. See for details on traffic query parameters. Args: traffic_query (TrafficQuery): `TrafficQuery` object representing the query parameters. Returns: List[TrafficFlow]: list of `TrafficFlow` objects found using the provided query. """ kwargs = {**kwargs, **{'json': traffic_query, 'include_org': True}} response ='/traffic_flows/traffic_analysis_queries', **kwargs) return [TrafficFlow.from_json(flow) for flow in response.json()]
[docs] def get_traffic_flows_async(self, query_name: str, traffic_query: TrafficQuery, **kwargs) -> List[TrafficFlow]: """Retrieves Explorer traffic flows using the provided query. See for details on async traffic query parameters. Usage: >>> traffic_query = ... start_date="2022-02-01T00:00:00Z", ... end_date="2022-03-01T00:00:00Z", ... include_services=[ ... {'port': 3389, 'proto': 'tcp'} ... ], ... policy_decisions=['potentially_blocked', 'unknown'] ... ) >>> traffic_query TrafficQuery( start_date='2022-02-01T00:00:00Z', end_date='2022-03-01T00:00:00Z', sources=TrafficQueryFilterBlock( include=[], exclude=[] ), destinations=TrafficQueryFilterBlock( include=[], exclude=[] ), services=TrafficQueryServiceBlock( include=[ ServicePort( port=3389, proto=6, ... ) ], exclude=[] ), policy_decisions=[ 'potentially_blocked', 'unknown' ], ... ) >>> traffic_flows = pce.get_traffic_flows_async( ... query_name='rdp-traffic-feb-22', ... traffic_query=traffic_query ... ) >>> traffic_flows [ TrafficFlow( src=TrafficNode( ip='', "ip_lists": [ { "name": "IPL-INTERNAL", "href": "/orgs/1/sec_policy/active/ip_lists/5", ... } ], ... ), dst=TrafficNode( ip='', workload=Workload( href='/orgs/1/workloads/6567900a-b49f-43cc-93a7-c892da39aad1', name='WIN-JUMPBOX', ... ), ... ), service=ServicePort(port=3389, proto=6), num_connections=44, state='closed', timestamp_range=TimestampRange( first_detected='2022-02-19T09:50:17Z', last_detected='2022-02-19T10:12:36Z' ), policy_decision='potentially_blocked', flow_direction='inbound', ... ), ... ] Args: query_name (str): name for the async query job. traffic_query (TrafficQuery): `TrafficQuery` object representing the query parameters. Raises: IllumioApiException: if there is an error retrieving the async job results. Returns: List[TrafficFlow]: list of `TrafficFlow` objects found using the provided query. """ try: traffic_query.query_name = query_name kwargs['json'] = traffic_query headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) kwargs['headers'] = {**headers, **{ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Prefer': 'respond-async' }} kwargs['include_org'] = True response ='/traffic_flows/async_queries', **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() query_status = response.json() location = query_status['href'] collection_href = self._async_poll(location) response = self.get(collection_href) response.raise_for_status() return [TrafficFlow.from_json(flow) for flow in response.json()] except Exception as e: raise IllumioApiException from e
[docs] def provision_policy_changes(self, change_description: str, hrefs: List[str], **kwargs) -> PolicyVersion: """Provisions policy changes for draft objects with the given HREFs. Usage: >>> rule_set = pce.rule_sets.create( ... RuleSet(name='RS-RINGFENCE') ... ) >>> changeset = pce.provision_policy_changes( ... change_description='Provision ring-fence rule set', ... hrefs=[rule_set.href] ... ) >>> changeset PolicyVersion( href='/orgs/1/sec_policy/110', commit_message='Provision ring-fence rule set', version=110, workloads_affected=0, object_counts=PolicyObjectCounts( label_groups=17, services=8, ... ) ) Args: change_description (str): the policy change description. hrefs (List[str]): the HREFs of the draft policy objects to provision. Raises: IllumioException: if an invalid HREF is provided. Returns: PolicyVersion: the decoded policy version object including the changeset. """ policy_changeset = kwargs['json'] = { 'update_description': change_description, 'change_subset': policy_changeset } response ='/sec_policy', **{**kwargs, **{'include_org': True}}) return PolicyVersion.from_json(response.json())
__all__ = ['PolicyComputeEngine']