Source code for illumio.util.functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides helper functions and decorators for common use-cases.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
import functools
import re
import socket
import sys
import typing
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from illumio._version import version
from illumio.exceptions import IllumioException, IllumioIntegerValidationException
from .constants import ACTIVE, DRAFT, PCE_APIS

[docs]def ignore_empty_keys(o: dict): """Removes keys with None-type values from the provided dict. Used for JSON encoding to avoid schema errors due to empty or invalid parameters. """ return {k: v for (k, v) in o if v is not None}
[docs]def convert_draft_href_to_active(href: str) -> str: """Given an HREF string, converts policy version to active. If an active HREF is provided, this function has no effect. Args: href (str): PCE object HREF. Returns: str: active policy version HREF. """ return href.replace('/{}/'.format(DRAFT), '/{}/'.format(ACTIVE))
[docs]def convert_active_href_to_draft(href: str) -> str: """Given an HREF string, converts policy version to draft. If a draft HREF is provided, this function has no effect. Args: href (str): PCE object HREF. Returns: str: draft policy version HREF. """ return href.replace('/{}/'.format(ACTIVE), '/{}/'.format(DRAFT))
[docs]def deprecated(deprecated_in, message=None): """ Deprecation decorator, adapted from Will emit a warning when the decorated function is called. """ def _deprecated(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): default_message = "Call to deprecated function {}. Deprecated in version {}, current version is {}.".format( func.__name__, deprecated_in, version ) warning_message = message or default_message warnings.warn(warning_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return _deprecated
[docs]def pce_api(name: str, endpoint: str = None, is_sec_policy=False, is_global=False): """Decorates an IllumioObject subclass to denote it as a PCE API object type. This registers the type in the PCE_APIS mapping used to determine whether a given name corresponds to an API-accessible type. We can then leverage __getattr__ to instantiate a generic API interface for any registered type (with some caveats, see the _PCEObjectAPI documentation). By default, registers the endpoint as /{name}, but the endpoint can also be specified in the decorator function call. For example: >>> @pce_api('labels', endpoint='/labels') >>> class Label(IllumioObject): ... ... >>> pce = PolicyComputeEngine(...) >>> # the 'labels' name is registered, and so we can >>> # call /labels endpoints through the _PCEObjectAPI interface >>> labels = pce.labels.get() >>> labels [ Label( href='/orgs/1/labels/1', key='role', value='R-DB', ... ), ... ] Args: name (str): the name of the API. used as a PolicyComputeEngine attribute name to generate the API interface. endpoint (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. is_sec_policy (bool, optional): whether or not the object reflects a security policy API with the sec_policy/{pversion} prefix. Defaults to False. is_global (bool, optional): whether or not the object reflects a global API, such as /health or /users. These APIs operate on the entire PCE rather than a single tenant, and don't need the /orgs/{org_id} prefix. """ def _decorator(cls): @dataclass class __PCEApi: name: str endpoint: str object_class: object is_sec_policy: bool is_global: bool PCE_APIS[name] = __PCEApi( name=name, endpoint=endpoint or '/{}'.format(name), object_class=cls, is_sec_policy=is_sec_policy, is_global=is_global ) return cls return _decorator
[docs]def parse_url(url: str) -> tuple: """Parses given URL into its scheme and hostname, stripping port and path. Args: url (str): URL to parse. Returns: tuple: parsed (scheme, hostname) """ pattern = re.compile('^\w+://') if not re.match(pattern, url): url = 'https://{}'.format(url) parsed = urlparse(url) scheme = parsed.scheme if scheme not in ('http', 'https'): scheme = 'https' # only support http(s) return scheme, parsed.hostname
[docs]def convert_protocol(protocol: str) -> int: """Given a protocol name, returns the integer ID of that protocol. Usage: >>> convert_protocol('tcp') 6 Args: protocol (str): case-insensitive protocol string, e.g. 'tcp', 'UDP' Raises: IllumioException: if an invalid protocol name is provided. Returns: int: the integer ID of the given protocol, e.g. 17 for 'udp' """ try: return socket.getprotobyname(protocol) except: raise IllumioException('Invalid protocol name: {}'.format(protocol))
def validate_int(val: Any, minimum: int=0, maximum: int=sys.maxsize) -> None: """Validates a given value is an integer and is within min <= val <= max. Args: val (Any): value to validate. min (int, optional): validation lower bound. Defaults to 0. max (int, optional): validation upper bound. Defaults to sys.maxsize. Raises: IllumioIntegerValidationException: if an invalid value is provided. """ try: valid = minimum <= int(val) <= maximum except: # catch the ValueError for invalid values valid = False if not valid: raise IllumioIntegerValidationException(val, minimum, maximum) if hasattr(typing, 'get_origin'): # python 3.8+ - introduces the get_origin function def isunion(type_): return typing.get_origin(type_) is typing.Union def islist(type_): if type_ is list: return True return typing.get_origin(type_) is list elif hasattr(typing, '_GenericAlias'): # python 3.7 - changes meta types to be based off the # _GenericAlias supertype. __extra__ is now __origin__ def isunion(type_): if isinstance(type_, typing._GenericAlias): return type_.__origin__ is typing.Union return False def islist(type_): if type_ is list: return True if isinstance(type_, typing._GenericAlias): return type_.__origin__ is list return False else: # python 3.6 def isunion(type_): return isinstance(type_, typing._Union) def islist(type_): if type_ is list: return True # in 3.6, List's type is GenericMeta, so we # instead check the __extra__ param if hasattr(type_, '__extra__'): return type_.__extra__ is list return False __all__ = [ 'ignore_empty_keys', 'convert_draft_href_to_active', 'convert_active_href_to_draft', 'deprecated', 'pce_api', 'parse_url', 'convert_protocol', 'validate_int', 'isunion', 'islist', ]