Source code for illumio.util.jsonutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides the core of the class model used in the client.

The base JsonObject class handles basic encoding and decoding to translate
responses from the PCE REST API into python objects. The implementation
leverages dataclasses to simplify the logic for these operations.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
import copy
import json
from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import Field, dataclass, fields
from inspect import signature, isclass
from typing import List, Any, Union

from illumio.exceptions import IllumioException

from .constants import IllumioEnumMeta
from .functions import ignore_empty_keys, isunion, islist

_default = json.JSONEncoder()  # fall back to the default encoder for non-Illumio API objects

class IllumioEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """Convenience class for encoding JsonObjects.

    >>> json.dumps(flow, cls=IllumioEncoder, indent=4)
    def default(self, o: Any) -> Any:
        return getattr(o.__class__, "to_json", _default.default)(o)

[docs]@dataclass class JsonObject(ABC): """Base dataclass for all derived PCE objects. Provides custom encoding, decoding, and type validation to and from JSON. """ def __post_init__(self): self._validate() def _validate(self): """Validates all dataclass fields against their indicated types.""" for field in fields(self): value = getattr(self, if not self._validate_field(field.type, value): raise AttributeError("Invalid value for {}: {}. Must be of type {}".format(, value, field.type)) def _validate_field(self, expected_type, value) -> bool: if value is None: return True elif expected_type is object: return True elif type(value) == expected_type: return True elif isunion(expected_type): return any(self._validate_field(type_, value) for type_ in expected_type.__args__) elif isinstance(type(value), IllumioEnumMeta): # validate enum values if they are passed as enum consts return self._validate_field(expected_type, value.value) elif isclass(expected_type) and issubclass(expected_type, JsonObject): # if the object is already decoded, determine whether it's # a subtype of what the field expects if isinstance(value, JsonObject): return isinstance(value, expected_type) try: # XXX: otherwise, expand objects to run their own validation. # this is *slow*, but needed to validate deeply nested types expected_type.from_json(value) except: return False return True elif islist(expected_type) and isinstance(value, list): if not value: return True # empty lists are always valid expected_type = expected_type.__args__[0] return all(self._validate_field(expected_type, o) for o in value) return False def to_json(self) -> Any: """Converts the object to a JSON-compatible copy of itself. Objects are converted to dictionaries recursively. Returns: Any: the converted JSON-compatible object """ return deep_encode(self) def _encode(self) -> Any: result = [] for f in fields(self): result.append((, self._encode_field(f))) return ignore_empty_keys(result) def _encode_field(self, field: Field) -> Any: value = flatten_ref(field.type, getattr(self, value = resolve_enum(value) return deep_encode(value) @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: Any) -> 'JsonObject': """ Given a JSON object or dictionary, decodes the data as an object of the calling JsonObject subtype. Accepts arbitrary key/value pairs as a form of forwards-compatibility. Classes can optionally extend decoding with the _decode_complex_types function for complex-type members. Based in part on """ data = json.loads(data) if type(data) is str else data cls_fields = {field for field in signature(cls).parameters} defined_params, undefined_params = {}, {} for k, v in data.items(): if k in cls_fields: defined_params[k] = v else: undefined_params[k] = v o = cls(**defined_params) for k, v in undefined_params.items(): setattr(o, k, v) o._decode_complex_types() return o def _decode_complex_types(self) -> None: for field in fields(self): value = getattr(self, decoded_value = self._decode_field(field.type, value) setattr(self,, decoded_value) def _decode_field(self, type_, value) -> Any: if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, JsonObject): # if the value has already been decoded, return it return value elif isclass(type_) and issubclass(type_, JsonObject): return type_.from_json(value) elif isinstance(value, list): # if the value is a list, expect the field type to be List[T] type_ = type_.__args__[0] return list(self._decode_field(type_, o) for o in value) return value
def flatten_ref(type_, value): """Replaces Reference subclasses with a simplified Reference object. This allows clients to pass a Reference subclass instance without breaking the encoded object schema for API calls. """ if value is None: return None if type_ is Reference: if isinstance(value, Reference): return Reference(value.href) elif islist(type_): if type_.__args__[0] is Reference: ref_list = [] for ref in value: if isinstance(ref, Reference): ref_list.append(Reference(href=ref.href)) else: ref_list.append(ref) return ref_list elif isunion(type_): if Reference in type_.__args__: if isinstance(value, Reference): return Reference(value.href) return value def resolve_enum(value): """Replaces IllumioEnumMeta subtypes with their internal value. This allows clients to pass enums directly as attribute values. For example: >>> Workload(..., enforcement_mode=EnforcementMode.SELECTIVE) will be converted to >>> Workload(..., enforcement_mode='selective') """ if value is None: return None if isinstance(type(value), IllumioEnumMeta): return value.value return value def deep_encode(o: Any) -> Any: """ Recursively encode members of the given object and return a JSON-compatible copy. Children of the JsonObject superclass can optionally implement _encode or _encode_field to provide a customized encoding response, otherwise the JsonObject defaults are called to remove null-value pairs. Functionally similar to the dataclasses asdict method, but with the necessary adjustment of calling an optional custom encoding function for types that don't strictly mirror their dataclass field pairs when encoded. """ if isinstance(o, JsonObject): return o._encode() elif isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): return type(o)(deep_encode(o) for o in o) elif isinstance(o, dict): return type(o)((deep_encode(k), deep_encode(v)) for k, v in o.items()) else: return copy.deepcopy(o)
[docs]@dataclass class Reference(JsonObject): """Simplest PCE object type, containing only an HREF. Used in most API schema to refer to other PCE objects. Args: href (str, optional): PCE object HREF. """ href: str = None
[docs]def href_from(reference: Union[Reference, dict, str]): """Attempts to parse HREF value from a provided source. Args: reference (Union[Reference, dict, str]): source reference. If a string value is passed, it is returned unchanged. The ``href`` field is returned from a Reference object or subclass instance, and the ``'href'`` key is returned from a provided dictionary. Raises: IllumioException: if an invalid reference type is provided, or if the href value is null or falsy. """ if isinstance(reference, Reference): if reference.href: return reference.href elif type(reference) is dict: if 'href' in reference and reference['href']: return reference['href'] elif type(reference) is str: return reference raise IllumioException('Failed to extract HREF from value: {}'.format(reference))
[docs]@dataclass class IllumioObject(Reference): """Base class for most PCE objects. Args: name (str, optional): object name. description (str, optional): object description. external_data_set (str, optional): unique namespace identifier for an external source creating PCE objects. If set, ``external_data_reference`` must also be provided. external_data_reference (str, optional): unique identifier within the external_data_set. If set, ``external_data_set`` must also be provided. ``external_data_set`` + ``external_data_reference`` must be globally unique. caps (List[str], optional): defines the requesting user's capabilities/permissions on the object. """ name: str = None description: str = None external_data_set: str = None external_data_reference: str = None caps: List[str] = None
@dataclass class MutableObject(IllumioObject): """Base class for PCE objects that can be updated/deleted.""" created_at: str = None updated_at: str = None deleted_at: str = None update_type: str = None delete_type: str = None created_by: Reference = None updated_by: Reference = None deleted_by: Reference = None @dataclass class ImmutableObject(IllumioObject): """Base class for PCE objects that cannot be updated/deleted.""" created_at: str = None created_by: Reference = None @dataclass class Error(JsonObject): """Wrapper class for error status/message. Args: token (str, optional): error status. message (str, optional): error message. """ token: str = None message: str = None __all__ = [ 'IllumioEncoder', 'JsonObject', 'Reference', 'IllumioObject', 'MutableObject', 'ImmutableObject', 'Error', 'href_from', ]