Source code for illumio.infrastructure.containercluster

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module is a stub for container cluster objects.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

from illumio.exceptions import IllumioException
from illumio.util import (

class ContainerClusterNode(JsonObject):
    name: str = None
    pod_subnet: str = None

class ContainerClusterError(JsonObject):
    audit_event: Reference = None
    duplicate_ids: List[str] = None
    error_type: str = None

class LabelRestriction(JsonObject):
    """Represents a label or set of labels to restrict the workload profile to.

    Only one of ``assignment`` or ``restriction`` can be specified.

        key (str, optional): label type, for example 'role', 'app'.
        assignment (Reference, optional): reference to label object to assign
            to container workloads using the profile.
        restriction (List[Reference], optional): restricts container workload
            label assignment for the given key to only the referenced labels.
    key: str = None
    assignment: Reference = None
    restriction: List[Reference] = None

[docs]@dataclass @pce_api('container_workload_profiles') class ContainerWorkloadProfile(MutableObject): """Represents a workload profile within a container cluster object in the PCE. Workload profiles define management and scope for container workloads under a cluster namespace defined by the profile. The `assign_labels` field is DEPRECATED in favour of the more flexible `labels` for defining label assignments and restrictions on the profile. `assign_labels` is left in for compatibility with older PCE versions. In either case, label assignments can only be specified for managed workload profiles. **NOTE:** though the `enforcement_mode` value for a workload profile can be set to `selective`, it is currently not supported and may result in unexpected behaviour. The only supported enforcement modes for workload profiles are ``idle``, ``visibility_only``, and ``full``. Usage: >>> import illumio >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=443, org_id=1) >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret') >>> container_cluster = illumio.ContainerCluster( ... name='CC-EKS-PROD', ... description='Production Kubernetes cluster on AWS' ... ) >>> container_cluster = pce.container_clusters.create(container_cluster) >>> env_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'env', 'value': 'Production'}) >>> loc_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'loc', 'value': 'AWS'}) >>> container_workload_profile = illumio.ContainerWorkloadProfile( ... name='illumio-system', ... managed=True, ... labels=[ ... illumio.LabelRestriction(key='env', assignment=env_label), ... illumio.LabelRestriction(key='loc', assignment=loc_label) ... ], ... enforcement_mode='visibility_only' ... ) >>> container_workload_profile = pce.container_workload_profiles.create( ... container_workload_profile, parent=container_cluster ... ) >>> container_workload_profile ContainerWorkloadProfile( href='/orgs/1/container_clusters/f5bef182-8c55-4219-b35b-0a50b707e434/container_workload_profiles/d2d466b5-106d-48e9-ada9-68f6321d1da8', name='illumio-system', namespace=None, managed=True, labels=[ LabelRestriction( key='env', assignment=Reference(href='/orgs/1/labels/23'), ... ), ... ], enforcement_mode='visibility_only' ... ) """ namespace: str = None assign_labels: List[Reference] = None labels: List[LabelRestriction] = None enforcement_mode: str = None visibility_level: str = None linked: bool = None managed: bool = None def _validate(self): if self.enforcement_mode and self.enforcement_mode not in EnforcementMode: raise IllumioException("Invalid enforcement_mode: {}".format(self.enforcement_mode)) if self.visibility_level and self.visibility_level not in VisibilityLevel: raise IllumioException("Invalid visibility_level: {}".format(self.visibility_level)) return super()._validate()
[docs]@dataclass @pce_api('container_clusters') class ContainerCluster(IllumioObject): """Represents a container cluster object in the PCE. Container clusters are abstract representations of container orchestration systems linked to the PCE. **NOTE:** when a container cluster is created through the API, the `container_cluster_token` used by Kubelink and C-VEN containers to pair with the PCE is returned in the response. This token is only available after the initial POST request and cannot be retrieved via the API: make sure to store it in a persistent form after creating the cluster. See Usage: >>> import illumio >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=443, org_id=1) >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret') >>> container_cluster = illumio.ContainerCluster( ... name='CC-EKS-PROD', ... description='Production Kubernetes cluster on AWS' ... ) >>> container_cluster = pce.container_clusters.create(container_cluster) >>> container_cluster ContainerCluster( href='/orgs/1/container_clusters/f5bef182-8c55-4219-b35b-0a50b707e434', name='CC-EKS-PROD', description='Production Kubernetes cluster on AWS', container_cluster_token='1_016dace1ab35fafe8e71c6dda6695e0881393f1f4c494e6cd70178f1e743b372', ... ) """ pce_fqdn: str = None manager_type: str = None last_connected: str = None kubelink_version: str = None online: bool = None nodes: List[ContainerClusterNode] = None container_runtime: str = None errors: List[ContainerClusterError] = None container_cluster_token: str = None
__all__ = [ 'ContainerClusterNode', 'ContainerClusterError', 'LabelRestriction', 'ContainerWorkloadProfile', 'ContainerCluster', ]