Source code for illumio.policyobjects.iplist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides classes related to IP list policy objects.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_network
from typing import List

from illumio import IllumioException
from illumio.util import JsonObject, MutableObject, pce_api

class IPRange(JsonObject):
    """Represents a range of one or more IP addresses in an IP list.

        from_ip (str, optional): IP address at the start of the range. Can be a
            single IP or CIDR range, e.g. "".
        to_ip (str, optional): IP address at the end of the range. If provided,
            ``from_ip`` must be a single IP address
        exclusion (bool, optional): if True, this range represents an exclusion
            rather than an inclusion in the IP list object.
        description (str, optional): optional description.

        IllumioException: if an invalid IP range is given.
    from_ip: str = None
    to_ip: str = None
    exclusion: bool = None
    description: str = None

    def _validate(self):
            from_net = ip_network(self.from_ip)
            if self.to_ip:
                to_ip = ip_address(self.to_ip)
                if from_net.prefixlen < 32:
                    raise "Can't specify CIDR block and to_ip in same range"
                if to_ip <= from_net.network_address:
                    raise "to_ip address must be greater than from_ip address"
        except Exception as e:
            raise IllumioException("Invalid IP range: {}".format(e))
        return super()._validate()

class FQDN(JsonObject):
    """Represents a fully-qualified domain name associated with an IP list.

        fqdn (str, optional): fully-qualified domain name.
        description (str, optional): optional description.
    fqdn: str = None
    description: str = None

[docs]@dataclass @pce_api('ip_lists', is_sec_policy=True) class IPList(MutableObject): """Represents an IP list in the PCE. IP lists are list of IP addresses, subnets, CIDR blocks, and/or FQDNs. They can be used in conjunction with other security policy objects to allow or deny traffic from these defined ranges. See Usage: >>> from illumio import PolicyComputeEngine, IPList, IPRange >>> pce = PolicyComputeEngine('') >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key_username', 'api_key_secret') >>> ip_list = IPList( ... name='IPL-INTERNAL', ... ip_ranges=IPRange( ... from_ip='' ... ) ... ) >>> ip_list = pce.ip_lists.create(ip_list) >>> ip_list IPList( href='/orgs/1/sec_policy/draft/ip_lists/22', name='IPL-INTERNAL', ip_ranges=IPRange( from_ip='' ), ... ) """ ip_ranges: List[IPRange] = None fqdns: List[FQDN] = None
__all__ = [ 'IPRange', 'FQDN', 'IPList', ]