Source code for illumio.policyobjects.virtualservice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides classes related to virtual services.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

from illumio import IllumioException
from illumio.util import (

from .service import BaseService, ServicePort

class ServiceAddress(BaseService):
    """Defines a Service Address record for use in a Virtual Service address pool.

    A ServiceAddress can be defined with either an IP address or FQDN.

    If an IP is provided, one of a port number or network object HREF
    must be provided as well.

    If an FQDN is given it's sufficient by itself, but description or
    port values can optionally be provided.
    ip: str = None
    fqdn: str = None
    network: Reference = None
    description: str = None

[docs]@dataclass @pce_api('virtual_services', is_sec_policy=True) class VirtualService(MutableObject): """Represents a virtual service object in the PCE. Virtual services provide an abstraction for a service that can be bound to one or more workloads. This can be useful when a workload is running multiple services, or multiple instances of the same service for different apps. See Usage: >>> import illumio >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=443, org_id=1) >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret') >>> role_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'role', 'value': 'R-Tomcat'}) >>> app_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'app', 'value': 'A-App'}) >>> env_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'env', 'value': 'E-Dev'}) >>> loc_label = pce.labels.create({'key': 'loc', 'value': 'L-NYC'}) >>> tomcat_svc = ... name='S-Tomcat', ... service_ports=[ ... { ... 'port': 80, ... 'proto': illumio.convert_protocol('tcp') ... }, ... { ... 'port': 443, ... 'proto': illumio.convert_protocol('tcp') ... } ... ] ... ) >>> virtual_service = illumio.VirtualService( ... name='VS-Tomcat', ... apply_to=illumio.ApplyTo.HOST_ONLY, ... service=tomcat_svc, ... labels=[role_label, app_label, env_label, loc_label] ... ) >>> virtual_service = pce.virtual_services.create(virtual_service) >>> virtual_service VirtualService( { "href": "/orgs/1/sec_policy/draft/virtual_services/14d7ff69-2fa4-458b-a299-e3f11ffa9b01", "created_at": "2021-10-05T12:34:56.789Z", "updated_at": "2021-10-05T12:34:56.789Z", "deleted_at": null, "created_by": { "href": "/users/1" }, "updated_by": { "href": "/users/1" }, "deleted_by": null, "update_type": "create", "name": "VS-INTERNAL", "description": null, "pce_fqdn": null, "service_ports": [ { "port": 1234, "proto": 6 }, { "port": 80, "proto": 17, "to_port": 443 } ], "service_addresses": [ { "ip": "", "port": 101 }, { "description": "test description", "fqdn": "*" } ], "labels": [ { "href": "/orgs/1/labels/1", "key": "role", "value": "R-WEB" }, { "href": "/orgs/1/labels/2", "key": "app", "value": "A-HRM" }, { "href": "/orgs/1/labels/3", "key": "env", "value": "E-STAGE" }, { "href": "/orgs/1/labels/4", "key": "loc", "value": "L-TOR" } ], "ip_overrides": [ "" ], "apply_to": "host_only", "caps": [ "write", "provision", "delete" ] } ) Raises: IllumioException: if an invalid apply_to value is provided. """ apply_to: str = None pce_fqdn: str = None service: Reference = None service_ports: List[ServicePort] = None service_addresses: List[ServiceAddress] = None ip_overrides: List[str] = None labels: List[Reference] = None def _validate(self): if self.apply_to and self.apply_to not in ApplyTo: raise IllumioException("Invalid 'apply_to' value: {}".format(self.apply_to)) super()._validate()
@dataclass class PortOverride(BaseService): """Represents a service binding port override. The ``proto`` field can be provided as a string, e.g. 'tcp', and it will be converted to its IANA integer equivalent. Args: port (int, optional): virtual service port to override. If the port is part of a range in the service, this must be the starting port in the range. proto (Union[str, int], optional): IANA protocol name or number for the service protocol. new_port (int, optional): override port or starting port of an override range. new_to_port (int, optional): ending port in an override range. Raises: IllumioException: if an invalid port value or port range is given. """ new_port: int = None new_to_port: int = None def _validate(self): if self.new_port: validate_int(self.new_port, maximum=PORT_MAX) if self.new_to_port: validate_int(self.new_to_port, maximum=PORT_MAX) if self.new_to_port <= self.new_port: raise IllumioException("Invalid port range: new_to_port must be higher than new_port") super()._validate()
[docs]@dataclass @pce_api('service_bindings') class ServiceBinding(IllumioObject): """Represents a service binding between a virtual service and a workload. The ``/service_bindings`` POST method accepts a list of bindings and returns a list containing either the binding HREF (if the workload was successfully bound to the virtual service) or an error token and message. **NOTE:** Service bindings can only be created using an active virtual service. See Usage: >>> import illumio >>> workload = pce.workloads.create(illumio.Workload( ... name='', ... hostname='', ... public_ip='' ... )) >>> virtual_service = pce.virtual_services.create(illumio.VirtualService( ... name='VS-HAProxy', ... apply_to=illumio.ApplyTo.HOST_ONLY, ... service_ports=[{'port': 443, 'proto': convert_protocol('tcp')}] ... )) >>> policy_version = pce.provision_policy_changes( ... change_description="Create HAProxy virtual service", ... hrefs=[virtual_service.href] ... ) >>> virtual_service.href = convert_draft_href_to_active(virtual_service.href) >>> service_binding = illumio.ServiceBinding( ... virtual_service=virtual_service, ... workload=workload, ... port_overrides=[illumio.PortOverride(port=443, new_port=8443, proto='tcp')] ... ) >>> bindings = pce.service_bindings.create([service_binding]) { 'service_bindings': [ ServiceBinding(href='/orgs/1/service_bindings/bc98cf25-8f24-4989-853c-578fa14108cf') ], 'errors': [] } """ virtual_service: Reference = None workload: Reference = None port_overrides: List[PortOverride] = None
__all__ = [ 'ServiceAddress', 'VirtualService', 'PortOverride', 'ServiceBinding', ]