Source code for illumio.workloads.ven

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides classes related to Virtual Enfocement Node objects.

    © 2022 Illumio

    Apache2, see LICENSE for more details.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List

from illumio import IllumioException, NotificationEvent
from illumio.infrastructure import ContainerCluster
from illumio.util import (

class Interface(Reference):
    name: str = None
    link_state: str = None
    address: str = None
    cidr_block: int = None
    default_gateway_address: str = None
    network: Reference = None
    network_detection_mode: str = None
    friendly_name: str = None
    loopback: bool = None

    def _validate(self):
        if self.link_state and not self.link_state in LinkState:
            raise IllumioException("Invalid link_state: {}".format(self.link_state))

class AgentConfig(JsonObject):
    mode: str = None
    log_traffic: bool = None
    security_policy_update_mode: str = None
    visibility_level: str = None

    def _validate(self):
        if self.visibility_level and not self.visibility_level in VisibilityLevel:
            raise IllumioException("Invalid visibility_level: {}".format(self.visibility_level))

class SecureConnect(JsonObject):
    matching_issuer_name: str = None

class AgentHealthErrors(JsonObject):
    errors: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    warnings: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

class AgentHealth(JsonObject):
    type: str = None
    severity: str = None
    audit_event: str = None

class AgentStatus(JsonObject):
    status: str = None
    uid: str = None
    instance_id: str = None
    last_heartbeat_on: str = None
    uptime_seconds: int = None
    agent_version: str = None
    managed_since: str = None
    fw_config_current: bool = None
    firewall_rule_count: int = None
    security_policy_refresh_at: str = None
    security_policy_applied_at: str = None
    security_policy_received_at: str = None
    agent_health_errors: AgentHealthErrors = None
    agent_health: List[AgentHealth] = None
    security_policy_sync_state: str = None

class VENAgent(MutableObject):
    config: AgentConfig = None
    secure_connect: SecureConnect = None
    status: AgentStatus = None
    unpair_allowed: bool = None
    active_pce_fqdn: str = None
    target_pce_fqdn: str = None
    type: str = None

class SecureConnect(JsonObject):
    matching_issuer_name: str = None

class VENCondition(JsonObject):
    first_reported_timestamp: str = None
    latest_event: NotificationEvent = None

[docs]@dataclass @pce_api("vens") class VEN(MutableObject): """Represents a Virtual Enforcement Node object in the PCE. The VEN object represents the agent on a workload that has been paired with the PCE. **NOTE:** VENs are read-only via the PCE API. See Usage: >>> import illumio >>> pce = illumio.PolicyComputeEngine('', port=443, org_id=1) >>> pce.set_credentials('api_key', 'api_secret') >>> vens = pce.vens.get() >>> vens [ VEN( href="/orgs/1/vens/5fe88f13-d22c-427e-be47-b9c3369e1e32", hostname="", status="active", os_id="centos-x86_64-8.0", os_detail="5.18.11-200.fc36.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jul 12 22:52:35 UTC 2022 (CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111)", os_platform="linux", version="21.2.5-8017", activation_type="pairing_key", labels=[ Reference(href="/orgs/1/labels/14"), ... ], interfaces=[ Interface( href="/orgs/1/workloads/5fe88f13-d22c-427e-be47-b9c3369e1e32/interfaces/eth0", name="eth0", address="", cidr_block=16, default_gateway_address="", network=Reference( href="/orgs/1/networks/40995e57-5e83-4fc5-9492-5b0e6df32a68" ), network_detection_mode="single_private_brn", loopback=False, ), ... ], workloads=[ Reference(href="/orgs/1/workloads/5fe88f13-d22c-427e-be47-b9c3369e1e32") ], last_heartbeat_at="2022-08-01T17:14:08.830Z", last_goodbye_at=None, unpair_allowed=True, conditions=[ VENCondition( first_reported_timestamp="2022-08-01T17:31:40.669Z", latest_event=Event( href="/orgs/1/events/0d2cec5f-5025-4e62-b867-b6e607397105", notification_type="agent.missed_heartbeats", severity="warning", info={ ... }, timestamp="2022-08-01T17:31:40.669Z", ), ), ... ], ), ... ] """ hostname: str = None status: str = None uid: str = None os_id: str = None os_detail: str = None os_platform: str = None version: str = None status: str = None activation_type: str = None active_pce_fqdn: str = None target_pce_fqdn: str = None labels: List[Reference] = None interfaces: List[Interface] = None workloads: List[Reference] = None container_cluster: ContainerCluster = None secure_connect: SecureConnect = None last_heartbeat_at: str = None last_goodbye_at: str = None unpair_allowed: bool = None conditions: List[VENCondition] = None ven_type: str = None def _validate(self): if self.ven_type and self.ven_type not in VENType: raise IllumioException("Invalid ven_type: {}".format(self.ven_type)) super()._validate()
__all__ = [ "AgentConfig", "SecureConnect", "AgentHealthErrors", "AgentHealth", "AgentStatus", "VENAgent", "VEN", ]